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Strand on the Green Junior School

Sport and competitions

Sport and competitions


At Strand we are very proud to be recognised by the Association for Physical Education for demonstrating outstanding commitment to improvement in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. 

We are passionate about making sure that all children represent the school during their time at Strand. Last year 70% of all children from Years 3-6 represented in either a competition (as part of a team or as an individual), or a festival (a chance to try a new sport in an inclusive environment with other schools). 

Being one of the only schools in the borough with a dedicated PE team means we are in a strong position when it comes to assessing children’s physical and emotional skills in sport. Selecting the most suitable children for each event is of high importance for the PE team to ensure both inclusivity as well as making sure we put forward the strongest squads.

We believe that pupil voice is extremely important and our twice annually PE survey is a vital tool we use when choosing squads. We ask children various questions including what sports they would like to see on the curriculum, how confident they feel, what clubs they do, whether they would like to represent the school and in what sports. 

This data along with trials for each sport, observations during PE, behaviour and effort, and commitment are all taken into account when choosing children for sporting events. 


  • Pupil voice survey 
  • Trials 
  • Behaviour 
  • Effort
  • Observations in PE 
  • Children’s own self-assessment