The school colours are red, black and grey. School uniform is compulsory and we expect all children to wear their swan with pride! Our uniform is;
Grey/black trousers, shorts, tunics or skirts
Red/grey sweatshirts or cardigans
Black fleeces
Red T-shirts
White polo shirts
Team T-Shirt
Red and white checked or striped dresses for summer
Black jogging bottoms/shorts for PE
The distinctive T-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces, jackets and backpacks embroidered with the logo are available from the Stitch Design or Your School Uniform websites and we have an second hand uniform store on Uniformd. Alternatively plain tops can be worn in Strand colours and are available from high street stores.
PE Uniform
PE Uniform
For the PE curriculum, your child will need a pair of sports trainers, named inside. They will also need a pair of plain, unbranded black shorts or joggers and a Strand T-shirt or sweatshirt, in their team colours.
These can be purchased on-line from Stitch Design. Kit should be worn to school on PE days.
PE is generally taught on the Rec and so children will need a light waterproof for those muddy, wet autumn days as well as a water bottle year round.