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Strand on the Green Junior School

Super Sports Day

Blessed with the best weather of the week, sports day took place yesterday at Chiswick School.
Having debriefed after last year’s event the PE Team were determined to make this year’s event
bigger and better with improved PA system, interviews with children and team captains, leaflet
and extended viewing area. The feedback from parents and children alike was unerringly
positive! The event was a real celebration of sport with the children taking part in 16 skill tests.
These were planned and chosen to represent all the skills and sports that the children have
covered over this year. This was followed by competitive events: individual races, relays and the
tug-of-war. We were so impressed by the efforts of the children. Not only were they able to show
how they worked as a team in their team colours, they were also able to shine as individuals by
improving and exceeding their personal bests. The sprint and long distance runs were one of the
highlights of the day with some superb skills on show – It’s no wonder Strand does so well in the
borough cross country!