S'no Closing Strand
It’s been a cold and snowy week but that hasn’t stopped Strand carrying on as normal. Thank you to all those parents who have sent their children into school – resilience and commitment are important life skills and its part of our job as educators to build those skills in our children. We need a society that is able to deal with a light dusting of snow and a cold wind and not retreat under their duvet. We have been inundated with parents asking if we are open so, for clarity, when considering a school closure we ask two simple questions:-
- Have we got enough teachers or support staff to keep the children safe?
- Can we make the site safe?
If the answer is yes then we open. Should we decide that we don’t have enough teachers or the site is unsafe we will let families know by ParentMail, text and by posting a message on the school website. We expect children in school every day, on time and ready to learn and give their best – if we don’t model that behaviour then how can we ask it of our children? There were large numbers of children absent today – a polite reminder that ‘it’s a bit cold’ is not a vaild reason for absence.