Reopening Update
We wrote to you before the half-term break with details of our proposed reopening for Year 6 children from 1st June. Yesterday, the government confirmed that its conditions for the safe re-opening of schools have been met, and that primary schools should, therefore, plan to admit Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from next week. In light of this, we can confirm that Strand Juniors will be open for Year 6 pupils, River and Otter classes and children of critical workers from Monday 1st June.
We understand from colleagues across the sector that some school re-openings are likely to be delayed. The context for each school is different but, as a junior school, the proportion of pupils eligible to return is less than in many other settings. This has enabled us to implement robust protective measures that fully comply with the government guidance for safely reopening schools. Consequently, we believe that Strand Juniors is in a position to open without delay. At all times our priority will be the continued safety of children, staff and families and so a full risk assessment has been conducted, with an extensive range of mitigations ready for implementation.
Please read the latest newsletter for more details.