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Strand on the Green Junior School

Election Preparations Begin in Earnest

Election Preparations Begin in Earnest

Today was registration day for the constituency of Strand on the Green and all voters had the opportunity to register to vote in the upcoming election. Miss Maynard and Miss Hill turned the gym into a registration station and each child in turn added their name to the electoral roll. Registering to vote is the first step in exercising your democratic right and ensuring your voice is heard – all Strandites got this message loud and clear with 337 voters registered. Earlier in the week the children were introduced to the party leaders who will be the face of each party’s campaign. They will be visiting year group assemblies next week to start their campaign and the leaders debate will be held on 11th December, chaired by Ayali and Keya. The children have been briefed to look for policies over personality so take a moment to discuss the key election promises this week end to make sure your child makes an informed decision. As Joe reminded us in assembly, “Listen to all their policies, even the complicated ones before you make up your minds. Don’t just vote because of one policy like climate change”.

Conservative Party      


Green Party              Alfie and Marley
Labour Party               Daisy and Tallulah
Liberal Democrats       Amelie