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Strand on the Green Junior School

Cross Country Success

Cross Country Success

Thursday saw our Year 6 cross country relay team head to Heathlands School in the very west of the borough. Warm sunshine and a gentle breeze made for perfect conditions for our runners, who started off with a challenging 3 X 600m event. The boys went first, lining up against 24 other schools and (despite Henry M falling over!) came in a very creditable 6th position. The girls did even better, with Lily Vos overtaking a runner on the last stretch to finish in an amazing 2nd place and being rewarded with silver medals. 3 x 300m races were next and again some fine performances from Alex G in the boys team and Eliana in the girls meant that we came in 5th and 4th places respectively.

The final races were the extreme long distance individual runs. With 130 runners per race, it proved a rather boisterous and bumpy start to try and get position early on and not be caught in the middle of the pack where tripping over is a real threat. Despite a few nerves all of our Strandites took part in the race and high place finishes were reward for Eli (5th) in the boys race and Lily (3rd) in the girls. Well done to all our competitors and look out next week when hopefully Mr Allkins will have received the results from the Borough.