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Strand on the Green Junior School

Our SEND Offer


Reading buddies

We recognise that some children will need extra support at some time during their school career.

To find out more about your child's strengths we use a diagnostic standardised reading, maths and English test each year to screen for individual needs and monitor the reading progress of each child.

We aim to identify as early as possible a child’s particular needs, and to provide an appropriate education plan delivered in a supportive and caring manner. 

Parents/carers are involved from the outset and you will be kept informed of your child's progress through regular meetings with staff. Where necessary we liaise with medical and social agencies and work closely with our attached Educational Psychologist and other LA experts providing support and advice. We have a nominated governor for special needs who meets regularly with school staff. 

Should parents need impartial confidential advice, covering educational matters, social care and health entitlements then SENDIASS can be reached by the contact details below.

Telephone 020 8583 2607
Email  SENDIASS@hounslow.gov.uk  

In line with SEND reforms we have produced our Local Offer which gives you a lot more information and answers many of the questions you may have.

Please click here to download a PDF.

To access the LA Local Offer click here.